Tips and Tricks In MIni militia

Mini militia by Doodle army 2 has become a serious sensation among youngsters.
This game is often played as multiplayer among friends. Even some groups organize a Mini Militia tournaments. This game is available in the internet and almost all the youngsters have it in their android phones.

Although some of us still thinks that we have mastered the game but their is some loop holes hidden inside the game that we don't know yet. Here i am going to explain them to you:

  1. To increase  your thrust speed: Almost nobody knows this trick. All you have to do is  after getting up in the air just hit the hand action button (punch) continuously in the direction which you want to move. after a few tries you will master it.
  2. To decrease damage taken by grenades: You can almost decrease the damage taken by the grenades by just crouching. Even if you are just sitting on top of the bomb, you will not die. It deceases damage, even though your health will decrease. So use this wisely.
  3. A Strategy: If you and your friends are play by the score of how many kills, you shuold probably want to hear this. It is better to suicide than to die with others hands. Yes, this works when your health is low. You should probably want to die on your own by simply throwing a grenade or something other than by dying in your enemy's hands. This way you can reduce the score of your opponent.
I'll keep updated with all the other tricks I find, Like you I am too a Mini Militia fan. 
Hope this article is good for ya'll.

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