Alien Isolation - Meeting with the killer

I've been playing Alien Isolation for the last few days and have gone through a lots of crazy stuff. Till now the game had proved to be the best game ever. It have amazing sound system. It is  really like happening around you. The graphics is also so good.

I am now in stage 3 and is now passing through Seegson's communications. It is through this level that i've met with the Killer alien. I thought that the alien was the only thing we had to be afraid. But it turns out to be that there is more than that. At first we have to go through the other survivors and some of them will try to attack you, basically most of 'em. And now there is this androids. At first one tried to help me. But then it looks like they are all trying to kill me, due to security reasons. Can you believe it , Security Reasons. And most horrific thing is that we have to go through the Alien Rampage. It's like that guy is out there just searching for me. Everywhere I go he shows up. The key code of the game is that we have to keep silent and smooth. Or else one of the bad guys would find us. And now it turns out that the ventilators are not safe anymore. The alien will find us there.

       I found the other two team members from Torrens. But now one of them is injured and I am trying to help them. I came up with the alien problem two times now and the android problem almost all the time. Trust me they are not Dumb. They will find you no matter what. And we cannot kill them easily.

Some easy ways of killing them are by shooting at head. We have to be precise at this. Killing androids takes 3 or 4 hits to the head. Or you can kill them if you have a flame thrower in your hand. And we can also get past them by  throwing a decoy like a noise maker or a flash bang. These are very helpful trust me. Getting a mine is good too.

 Craft items where you feel safe or you are good as dead. Getting precise materials is the tricky past.
 Basically this game is all about moving cleverly. We have to be smart and clever to play it. It teaches us hoe to survive in a likely situation. Who knows someday we may meet with a likely situation.

The game is very interesting and I can asure you that this is the Best stealth based game ever built. Those who are looking for stealth This is the game for you.

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