Devil May Cry 4- Overview

              Devil may Cry is one of the coolest and craziest games I ever played. the moves, styles, weapons  and OMG!! Its's so damn awesome. The game plots a world of Demons and fighters. Our heroes had to go through a series of monsters and demons to get to the final boss fight. Each level has a Boss fight and at the end if the fight we get a new ability or a weapons. It depends on the character we choose to play. But at first play we have to go through a story based game where we have to play as the game gives us characters. One thing is for sure: Great story and awesome STYLE.

The game comes with two characters. The player come control both Nero, a new character with a demon arm and Dante the serial killer protagonist who destroys all evil stuff. Both the characters have there own unique style and killing method. Each of them puts up a different story from there side. At first it appears that Dante fights Nero but in the end It all adds up and both of them fights for g  the good side.

Dante the serial killer has a unique combination of different styles and a peculiar attitude that catches the eye of the audience. He masters in different kinds of weapons and has different modes on killing demons. He appears to be very stylish and does his job in a stylish manner. He has guns and the most amazing thing is a suit case which is capable of transforming into different types of weapons. It each becomes a mini fighting machine. Basically Dante is an Evil dude who fights for the good side. Killing is his hobby.

Nero in other hand is the exact opposite. He fights for a girl who is in the possession of the dark lord. his attitude is much more passionate and what drives him is the love that he has for the girl. He has a demon arm which can be used in fighting and also his powered up mode is very powerful that it can bring down any kind of boss down.

Weapons are hot and The creators Capcom have published a few special Edition s also. I say all Gamers should get a hand on these. If you are looking for a role playing action adventure theme based game, you should probably check this out.



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